A master-copy of the classic painting by Francisco de Zurbaran. I’m not really good enough to copy it — I’d call it more of an “interpretation.” Not sure why I was drawn to this painting. Strange how some things can beckon. This is my third sheep or goat painting, and I’ve painted quite a few pears too. Hmmm …. I wonder what this means. Some shrink would probably have a Field Day with this.
Oil on canvas. Store-bought canvas, primed with acrylic gesso. Ground was then toned with burnt sienna.
Palette and Supplies:
Design was sketched onto toned canvas with graphite pencil. Background of Mars Black and Paynes Gray.
Line drawing and chiarroscuro reinforced with Chromatic Black. Eye, nose, horn painted in.
Painted most of the lamb alla prima (wet into wet)
Some final glazes and then additional flake white to build up the complexity and three-dimensionality of the wool. Highlights added to horns.
“Agnus Dei” (2016). Louis Cooper (after Francisco de Zurbaran). Oil on Canvas. 18″ x 36″