After painting my Dad, and with my Mom’s birthday just around the corner, I decided to paint a companion painting of my Mom. Same size panel and similar palette. I liked the gesture of the hand and the smile.
Oil on cradled birchwood panel from “American Easel.” Ground was then toned with burnt sienna.
Palette and Supplies:
Design was sketched onto toned canvas with graphite pencil.
Background, blue jacket and chair painted in. Lips and eyes started. I like to do these first, so that my portrait starts to “look back at me” as soon as possible. For me this helps establish a relationship with the painting.
First pass at flesh tones and hair. Blouse values established.
Final session. A series of transparent glazes to deepen shadows and add tone, followed by scumbled opaques to bring up the highlights. Detail of the glassess and frames.
“Karin” (2016). Louis Cooper. Oil on Wood Panel. 12″ x 12″