The end of 2016 had me working an excessive number of hours in the ER. I also picked a model I initially had difficulty relating to (even though it was ME!) The composition seemed a bit theatrical and unreal. So I ended up messing around with it way longer than I typically spend on a painting. Typical start, but had to do a number of glazes and adjustments to achieve the “mood” of the final version. I’m still not sure what to think about it. Suzy however liked it and said “Ooh! Could you paint me like that?” … So guess what’s next?
Oil on cradled birchwood panel from “American Easel.” Ground was then toned with burnt sienna.
Palette and Supplies:
Design was sketched onto toned canvas with graphite pencil.
Painted in a first pass at the background — a Dogon granary door.
A rather non-commital painting in of transparent darks, mid-tones and highlights. Detail of eyes, nares, wrinkles, etc.. The darks should have been darker and the highlights brighter — i.e. a greater value range.
Added blues and highlights to background. First pass at garment — awful color, unreal, poor harmony. Glazes of quinacridone red and raw umber to face. Second pass at highlights. Phtalo blue glaze to shadows of neck.
Added quinacridone red and viridian green to achieve a more realistic garment color. Glazed entire face with phthalo blue. Brought the highlights back up. Added eyebrows, whiskers, tassles.
“Self Portrait as a Dogon” (2017). Louis Cooper. Oil on Wood Panel. 12″ x 12″